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Volunteers play an important role in the organization and we want you to take part. You support the local staff and you will be highly involved in the daily work e.g. Lessons, Fundraising, etc. You will live in a nice volunteer house together with four others.

There are many ways in which you can volunteer, the first one would be a government-funded, one-year-long “weltwärts” voluntary service, with the VNB (only possible for Germans). The second one would be a short-term privately funded voluntary service. You can find more information on Freiwilligenarbeit (German) or Volunteerworld (International). The third option is a local voluntary service for people living in Ghana that want to do their part to empower students in rural areas. In this case please contact us.

If you want to engage with fundraising for us and get a trip to Ghana for free we have an Ambassador Kit that supports and leads you through the process. If you have any questions concerning donating or engaging in general please don’t hesitate to contact us.

The story of Jana. One of our short term volunteers!


Was ist weltwärts eigentlich?

weltwärts ist ein staatlich geförderter Freiwilligendienst und wurde in 2008 als Gemeinschaftsprogramm des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) und zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen ins Leben gerufen. Das BMZ trägt bis zu 75% der Kosten des Freiwilligendienstes und 25% bringen die Entsendeorganisationen als Eigenanteil bzw. mit Hilfe der Freiwilligen auf. Hier geht es zur weltwärts-Website.

Der entwicklungspolitische weltwärts-Freiwilligendienst beim VNB gibt jungen Menschen die Möglichkeit, für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 12 Monaten in einem Land des Globalen Südens zu leben und in Projekten dortiger Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NROen) oder Schulen zu arbeiten. 

Die Entsendeorganisation für einen weltwärts-Freiwilligendienst bei Grow Ghana ist der Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V. (VNB). Auf findest du weitere Informationen zu dem Freiwilligendienst sowie zum Bewerbungsprozess.

Der weltwärts-Freiwilligendienst ist in erster Linie ein Lerndienst: voneinander lernen und in Austausch treten. Wer sich auf einen Freiwilligenplatz beim VNB bewirbt, sollte also Lust haben, eng mit dem jeweiligen Kooperationspartner*innen in Niedersachsen zusammen zu arbeiten und sich für die Partnerschaftsprojekte und den gegenseitigen Austausch zu engagieren.

Our volunteers

Josef 🇩🇪
Josef 🇩🇪

Josef joined us from April to June 2024 as a short-time volunteer.  He worked on the Grow Ghana Website and developed a curriculum for some Javascript coding lessons.

Jonas 🇩🇪
Jonas 🇩🇪

After his first visit in 2022 Jonas joined us again in April/May 2024. He initiated new partnerships and projects for Grow Ghana.

Michael 🇩🇪
Michael 🇩🇪

From December 2023 until February 2024 Michael joined Grow Ghana. Besides his assistance in teaching he mainly worked on the Email Newsletter. In addition to that he put some work into the Grow Ghana app.

Janne 🇩🇪
Janne 🇩🇪

Janne is one of our weltwärts volunteers for 2023/24. He teaches the IT skills lessons and works on the curricula for them.

Lucy 🇩🇪
Lucy 🇩🇪

Lucy is one of our weltwärts volunteers for 2023/24. She teaches the soft-skills lessons. During office hours she is our creative mind and manages our social media.

Helen 🇬🇧
Helen 🇬🇧

Helen, a student volunteer from the University of East Anglia, joined in June 2023 for 2 months, assisting in training, organizing a career workshop, and managing social media.

Ruby 🇬🇧
Ruby 🇬🇧

Ruby, a student volunteer from the University of East Anglia, joined in June 2023 for 2 months, assisting in training, organizing a career workshop, and establishing a corporate partnership with a UK charity.

Fredrik 🇸🇪
Fredrik 🇸🇪

Fredrik volunteered short-term (4 months) starting November 2022, assisting in training, collecting data and conducting student interviews for research, monitoring and providing feedback on lessons.

Marlon 🇩🇪
Marlon 🇩🇪

Marlon volunteered from September 2022 for a year with weltwärts, creating Google ads campaigns, managing devices and inventory, assisting in training, handling emails, and facilitating corporate partnerships and new volunteer signups.

Anna 🇩🇪
Anna 🇩🇪

Anna (weltwärts) joined in August 2022, handling social media, developing a soft skills curriculum, implementing the lesson-start games, applying for grants, assisting in training, managing fundraising campaigns, and writing reports.

Cara 🇩🇪
Cara 🇩🇪

Cara volunteered short-term for 3 months starting July 2022, implementing Kahoot games in lessons, assisting in training and fundraising campaigns, managing Grow Ghana’s Instagram and setting up Google Ads.

Jana 🇩🇪
Jana 🇩🇪

Jana volunteered short-term for 2 months starting January 2022, managing Grow Ghana’s social media, developing the ambassador kit, assisting in Global Giving campaigns, and helping with training.

Jan 🇩🇪
Jan 🇩🇪

Jan (weltwärts) joined in August 2021, editing videos and documentaries, managing fundraising campaigns on GlobalGiving, developing Scratch coding learning cards, assisting in training, and developing the Scratch curriculum.

Luzius 🇩🇪
Luzius 🇩🇪

Luzius joined in August 2021 for a year with weltwärts, developing the Grow Ghana website, building an Android app for the Scratch quiz, creating campaigns, optimizing Google ads, assisting in training, developing the Scratch curriculum, and maintaining the Raspberry Pis.